- Ονομασίες :
We can’t say this often enough. Thorough preparation is worth the effort. But we all know the feeling that time sometimes seems short and we therefore use shorter processes every now and then to get a fast result. But if you want to achieve the best-looking and most hard-wearing results on your precious wooden floor, exclusive wooden furniture, exquisite wooden tabletop or similar, do not take the easy way out.
WOCA Intensive Wood Cleaner has been developed to help you to achieve the best final result. You are doing yourself a huge favour if you prioritise a thorough cleaning of your wooden floor and other wooden surfaces before you treat them with soap, oil or stain.
Read this to find out what effect Intensive Wood Cleaner will have on your end result
Wood Cleaner extends the lifetime of your wood
Wood Cleaner effectively removes grime, grease, sanding residue and residues from the wood's own production of saps and sugar. Wood Cleaner opens the pores of the wood, so that soap, oil or stain has better penetration, going deeper into the wood. This extends the lifetime of the wood, as it becomes more saturated.
Wood Cleaner speeds up drying times
Wood Cleaner thoroughly neutralises the natural tannic acid in the top layer of the wood. The advantage of this is that any subsequent application of soap. oil and stain will dry more quickly, achieving the desired resistance much more quickly than would otherwise be the case. Tannic acid decelerates drying time.
Wood Cleaner minimises the risk of discolouration
Wood with very high tannic acid content, such as oak, is very sensitive to discolouration. Neutralising tannic acid by using Wood Cleaner makes it possible to reduce the risk that the final result will suffer from discolouration.
Wood Cleaner produces intense colour tones and even colour distribution
Using Wood Cleaner makes it possible to achieve greater intensity of surface colour, as the wood is better able to accept the subsequent treatment. Because the wood pores are open, pigmented stains, soaps, oils and lacquers are able to penetrate deeply and more uniformly into the wood, thus producing an attractive and even colour distribution.